miércoles, 14 de enero de 2015

29th post: 'When Alonso Quijano passed away'

Alonso Quijano has died, and I can't help succumbing to this deep sadness.

The first time I ran into him was during my last childhood: I was twelve o thirteen. I remember listening to him, wooden spear in hand, about his struggles against giants and how he was able to run away from two ground armies. I also remember that I hardly paid attention to him and I considered him fucking mad.

My second meeting with the noble knight was during my full maturity. He talked to me about his dear beloved, Dulcinea del Toboso. That time I listened to him, but he seemed to me a wise and a sane man.

The last time we could see each other, he was already on his advanced senescence. He talked to me about weapons and literature, and I understood, above all, that the ingenious gentleman was absolutely mad. However, he didn't seem the same crazy man who I thought that I had known a lot of years ago; then he had such holly crazyness that everybody want to have without any kind of doubt.

viernes, 2 de enero de 2015

28th post

Nowadays, it is very difficult -and maybe weird- that a person doesn't have his own mobile phone with an Internet connection. This new kind of electronic device is normal in our current life and we are already used to going always with at least one smartphone in our pockets.
Personally speaking, since they were created by scientists and future viewers a couple years ago, nobody can deny that our lifestyles have gradually changed with advantages, of course, but with disadvantages as well. I disagree with the people who think that there are only positive changes: they are just able to see the improvements with their use since them were invented, such as a more connected world due to the fact that now everyone has the chance to call somebody up easier, faster and cheaper. That is absolutely true, but there are other features and issues that turn cell phones into no such an ideal partner. I mean, even little kids have currently their own phone and I wonder: what is the reason? They are unnecessary to them! Are they going to text their girlfriends or perhaps split up with them? I can't believe it. 
Besides, some people are overusing their smartphones since they are always using it with different aims, for instance, while they are taking a stroll, while they are with their friends in a park or even in the bathroom. 
Thus, these sorts of changes are not good because, in my opinion, we are turning into slaves of technology, like we were forced to buy them or have at least one of them in our pockets.

27th post

Now I'm living in Murcia with two flatmates and our lives are quite different from our former ones. We are glad to live here, but there is still a problem without solution, and this problem appears when somebody wants to take the control of the television.
I hardly ever watch the TV, but I like watching the news while I'm eating or having dinner as a way of entertainment, just these three hours for a day. However, my flatmates and I don't share the same schedule and when I'm eating, they are playing videogames on TV (as usual), so they don't let me watch what I want to see. That's why I'm tired and I want to change this situation as soon as possible. 

In order to put an end to this problem, I can throw the video-console out throught the window (and we live on a third floor), but I already know that this is not a good solution to solve the problem, since I don't want to pay some money for having broken the video-console. Another option is to buy a new TV to connect the Play Station on it, but we can't afford it currently. Thus, the best option I have thought is to do a 'timetable' in order to know who takes the control of the TV each hour of the week and to know who decides what to watch.

We have been living here for almost three months and I hope that this problem ends soon, so we have to get together and do this kind of timetable to keep living in a better way without neither discusions nor disagreements.