miércoles, 14 de enero de 2015

29th post: 'When Alonso Quijano passed away'

Alonso Quijano has died, and I can't help succumbing to this deep sadness.

The first time I ran into him was during my last childhood: I was twelve o thirteen. I remember listening to him, wooden spear in hand, about his struggles against giants and how he was able to run away from two ground armies. I also remember that I hardly paid attention to him and I considered him fucking mad.

My second meeting with the noble knight was during my full maturity. He talked to me about his dear beloved, Dulcinea del Toboso. That time I listened to him, but he seemed to me a wise and a sane man.

The last time we could see each other, he was already on his advanced senescence. He talked to me about weapons and literature, and I understood, above all, that the ingenious gentleman was absolutely mad. However, he didn't seem the same crazy man who I thought that I had known a lot of years ago; then he had such holly crazyness that everybody want to have without any kind of doubt.

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