martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

16th post (Lecture Task)

Using 'The POINT-BY-POINT Method':

I currently live in Murcia with two guys who are eighteen years old too and they have just moved here like me. We have been living in Murcia for two months, and our lifestyle is quite different in contrast to our former lifestyle. Whereas I am getting used to living here very well, I cannot say the same about my two flatmates:

Alfonso is studying 'ADE degree' at UCAM and he has his lectures on mornings, so he has to wake up early every day in order to take the tram. Antonio is studying Economy degree in Espinardo and his lectures are on afternoons. I have known Alfonso since 2012, when we started to do bachelor in the same high school whereas Antonio has been my schoolmate since we started 'primary school' because he is from my little village. Alfonso is not a very outgoing person, sometimes he is a little bit bashful, so meeting people is not easy for him. That's why he has never had a girlfriend and he usually prefers to stay at home than go out with ours. Meanwhile, Antonio is a real party-goer, he loves staying with his friends and with his girlfriend. He is joyful, but a little lazy. He often spends his time playing video games or watching movies and hardly ever help us to carry out the household tasks such as do the ironing, sweep the floor or do the washing-up. However, Alfonso is an hard-working person, caring, he always does his homework and support to do the household chores. 

Each person is a different world and the same happens with my flatmates. On this subject, I would like to quote a sentence that I personally like: 'Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else' 

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